KJV Strong’s Bible for E-Readers

Product Description

This e-book consists of the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible with links throughout the text to Strong’s Dictionary of the Bible, which is also contained within this e-book and can be viewed on its own as well. The presentation and navigation are designed specifically for the Kindle and Nook. It preserves the paragraph structure of the KJV, it presents the Greek and Hebrew in their respective scripts.


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KJV Strong's Bible Kindle Screenshot of Genesis 1 with Strong's Dictionary PreviewAll Greek and Hebrew is accompanied by beautiful transliteration; you do not need to know Greek or Hebrew to make use of this e-book. In the case of the Kindle, it is also set up so that you can see a preview of the appropriate entry from Strong’s Dictionary of the Bible without even leaving viewing the text of the Bible.

The King James Version of the Bible, also known as the Authorized Version, the King James Bible, and the KJV, is an English translation of the Bible. It was completed in 1611 and updated in 1769. It continues to be widely used today. This e-book contains both the Old Testament and the New Testament.

KJV Strong's Kindle Screenshot Greek Dictionary EntriesStrong’s concise dictionary of Biblical Greek and Hebrew (including Aramaic as well), like his concordance, is a classic reference work for biblical studies in the English-speaking world and is accessible to the layperson. Each word in Biblical Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic is numbered, presented in Greek/Hebrew script and in transliteration and is accompanied by a pronunciation guide. Each word is defined in English, and the translation(s) of that word in the Authorized English Version are presented.

Strong’s work was originally published in 1890 under the titles A Concise Dictionary of the Words in the Hebrew Bible; with their Renderings in the Authorized English Version and A Concise Dictionary of the Words in the Greek New Testament; with their Renderings in the Authorized English Version. They were bound together with Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible.


KJV Strong's Bible Kindle Screenshot Hebrew Dictionary First EntriesThis e-book recognizes that you do not usually read the Bible or dictionaries linearly. As a result, it offers several options for navigation, some of them basic and others advanced.

It has an interactive Table of Contents that allows you to select the book and chapter of the Bible. The Table of Contents also allows you to select dictionary entries by their first two letters or by Strong’s number.

It also provides links from the biblical text to the appropriate entries in Strong’s Dictionary of the Bible, and you can click “Back” to return to the text.

It also allows you to navigate directly to a particular verse or dictionary entry.

For Kindle, it even provides a way in which you can preview the appropriate entry in Strong’s Dictionary of the Bible without even leaving the biblical text. The details differ between the two platforms, but you can read more detail on how to navigate KJV Strong’s Bible on the Kindle and how to navigate KJV Strong’s Bible on the Nook.

Related Resources

Strong’s Greek and Hebrew Dictionary for E-Readers

Strong’s Greek Dictionary for E-Readers

Strong’s Hebrew Dictionary for E-Readers