Product Description
The Greek New Testament for Android is a free Bible study app that provides a modern critical edition of the Greek New Testament, the SBL Greek New Testament, in an elegant and easy-to-navigate form. This app is great for students, pastors, and anyone else wanting to use and/or improve their Biblical Greek. The app features:
- beautiful display
- easy navigation
- complex search capabilities
- critical apparatus
Additionally, a robust morphology tool is available for in-app purchase. With the morphology feature, full parsing information is available for every word in the New Testament.
The app is available for download from Google Play via the link below.
Text: Free
Morphology: $4.99
Attractive Display
The Greek text of the Greek New Testament app is beautiful and easy-to-read in the SBL Greek font. The text is displayed with all of the appropriate:
- accents and breathing marks,
- iota subscripts,
- text-critical symbols, and
- paragraphing of the printing edition.
You are free to adjust the size of the text, the left/right margins and the line-spacing for more comfortable reading.
Quick Navigation

You can find any passage quickly by selecting the desired book, and then chapter and verse (both optional), e.g.:
- mk => go
- mt => 5 => go
- jn => 3 => 16
The Greek Text
The SBLGNT, edited by Michael W. Holmes and published jointly by the Society of Biblical Literature and Logos Bible Software, is a modern critical edition of the Greek New Testament, based primarily on four previous editions of the Greek text of the New Testament: Wescott-Hort, Tregelles, NIV, and Robinson-Pierpont. The text of the SBLGNT differs from the Nestle-Aland/United Bible Societies text in more than 540 variation units.
Complex Search Capabilities

You can easily conduct one-word searches without typing any Greek, or you can use our elegant, yet powerful, search syntax to gain more control over the search, searching for virtually any combination of Greek words. With the addition of the Greek morphology (**in-app purchase**), you can search by lemma (dictionary form) instead of the surface form of the text.
To get an idea of just how much our powerful search syntax can do, consider the following examples, using English words for ease of comprehension (search strings in bold):
- abra*m finds all the occurrences of “Abram” and “Abraham”.
- god promise finds all the occurrences of the words “God” and “promise” in the same verse.
- jesus “holy ghost” within 2 verses finds all the occurrences of “Jesus” and “holy ghost” within 2 verses of each other.
The search results are presented in an intuitive and easy-to-use format, with the number of total hits up top, and each hit displayed with its reference in canonical order. Select a given hit to open the Bible to that verse.
Lemma searching: with the morphology, you can search on lemmas (dictionary forms), and so find all of the occurrences of the lemma πνευμα (spirit) in all its forms, e.g. πνεῦμα, πνεύματος, πνεύματι, etc.
Morphology (Available for In-App Purchase)

You can touch any word in the text to see the lemma and parsing information for that Greek word. This is a great Bible study tool for those wanting to read the New Testament in Greek or brush up on their Greek skills.
Critical Apparatus
You can see the variants from the critical apparatus of the SBLGNT simply by touching the text-critical symbols.
Supported devices
The app is available for all Android phones and tablets running Android 2.3+.